Work overload!

Sorry about the spotty posting and commenting lately. I have been really busy at work, and even worked from 7:30 am until 11:30 pm on Wednesday for an event we had. Needless to say, I was TIRED yesterday. Thank goodness for my beautiful, understanding wife, who let us go to bed at 8:00 last night! And our son who was really tired and went to bed then too!

D and I always go to bed at the same time. In the 7 years that we have been together, I can count on one hand the number of times we have gone to bed separate or slept apart. It is so hard to sleep without her! I think this is part of what makes us so strong. We never watch tv in the bedroom, and we always make time for us at bedtime. I’m curious, what do you and your significant other do? How does it effect your relationship?

That’s about all I’ve got for now….hopefully I’ll be back to regular posting soon! Definitely after May 14th when the students leave!

About thelesbiannextdoor

I am a 43 year old lesbian, living with her wife in a small town. I have a 25 year old step-son. Who knows, I could be your neighbor ;) (Unless you know for sure your neighbor is not a lesbian - then I'm probably not!)

Posted on April 15, 2011, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. we don’t go to bed at the same time and we fight about it a lot. i go to bed early (around 9 or 10) because i wake up at 5am and i want tam to come to bed with but, but she usually wants to stay up like a normal human being.

    • Awww:( Sorry to hear that it’s a struggle Pom. It sucks when the other one doesn’t want to go to bed at the same time. I understand, especially if Tam doesn’t have to get up so early, but it still sucks.

  2. We go to bed almost always at the same time (and it’s really early…by 9:30pm for sure!! But we get up at 5am every day Mon-Thurs). We have a TV in our room, and usually it is on when we fall asleep but typically we don’t watch it. We have a habit of getting into bed and laying on our sides (facing each other either with our hands clasped together or our arms around each other and feet tangled up) and talk about our days or what is going on in our lives that we haven’t already covered. It’s wonderful and I greatly enjoy it 🙂

    • I love the description A! It’s very similar to what D and I do, except no tv on. We always snuggle, rub each others backs or heads, normally hold hands and talk about our days. I love that time and wouldn’t give it up for anything!

  3. 99% of the time we go to bed together. No tv in the bedroom, though most evenings we’ll read for a bit while snuggling. Our bedroom definitely feels like a respite.

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